Finding Time for Self-Care with Crochet

Finding time for self-care is more important than ever. The good news? There’s a hobby that not only nurtures your creative side but also supports your mental health—crocheting.

Yes, crochet is a powerful tool for stress reduction and mindfulness.

We crafters often find ourselves so immersed in creating for others that self-care can take a backseat. But it's crucial to prioritize your well-being, whether you crochet for relaxation, as a hobby, or professionally.

If you find yourself without a self-care routine, don't worry—this post is here to help!

So, get a cup of tea and let’s establish that much-needed self-care routine.

crochet as a self care tool

What is Self-Care?

Self-care goes beyond scented candles and bubble baths; it’s any activity we do deliberately to care for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

While it might sound simple in theory, implementing self-care practices can be challenging, especially if you’re juggling multiple responsibilities.

The key is finding activities that genuinely recharge you instead of just filling your time.

Self-care is crucial because it’s the foundation for maintaining:

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Physical well-being

By prioritizing self-care, you nurture your ability to handle stress, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels.

This practice helps create a balanced life, preventing burnout and promoting resilience.

Self-care activities allow us to recharge and refocus, ultimately enhancing our overall quality of life and enabling us to better support others.

Remember, taking time for yourself isn't selfish—it's essential for leading a fulfilling and healthy life.

Is Crochet Self-Care?


Crochet is a tactile meditation, providing a mental escape while allowing your hands to create beautiful, functional art.

Unlike scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV, crochet demands your focus and attention, drawing you into the present moment.

More on the topic: How Crochet Can Help You Relax

The Benefits of Crochet for Self-Care

Stress Reduction

The repetitive motion of crocheting acts as a physical mantra, bringing calmness to your mind.
Studies have shown that these movements can trigger the body’s relaxation response, lowering blood pressure and reducing stress hormones.

Imagine unwinding after a long day with some yarn and a crochet hook—your very own portable spa!


Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, and crochet naturally encourages this state. Each stitch requires attention, gently guiding your thoughts away from worries, concerns about the future or regrets about the past.

Each stitch, row or round, helps you get anchored to the here and now.

Creativity and Self-Expression

Crochet allows for endless creativity, offering a unique form of self-expression. Whether it’s choosing the materials, selecting colours that resonate with your mood, or designing your patterns, crochet lets you put a part of yourself into every piece.

This creative process is inherently therapeutic, providing satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

Finding Time for Crochet in a Busy Schedule

Time Management Tips

For many, the biggest hurdle to self-care is finding the time. Start by identifying pockets of time in your day—during your lunch break, while commuting, or those few minutes before bed.

Even ten minutes of crocheting can have therapeutic benefits, helping you feel refreshed and recharged.

Integrating Crochet into Daily Routines

Make crochet a routine part of your day. Set aside dedicated time to crochet, as you would for a workout or meal prep. Keep your supplies handy to avoid the hassle of hunting down yarn or hooks, making it easier to pick up your current project spontaneously.

Quick Wins

Don’t set your sights on completing a king-sized afghan in a week; instead, focus on smaller, manageable projects. Perhaps aim to crochet a few rows each day or finish a simple scarf by the end of the month.

Sometimes, all we need is a small, satisfying project.

Try making a keychain or a simple coaster. Or, if you're working on a larger project, switch to chunky yarn to speed things up.

Finishing a small project can be incredibly rewarding, especially when you're feeling down or stuck on a bigger project. It's a great way to boost your confidence and keep your creative momentum going.

I Don’t Have Time

Saying 'I don't have time' often means you're not prioritizing what truly matters. A creative outlet, like crocheting, is vital for our mental health and brain function. It's worth making time for.

Have a look at your schedule. Are there areas where you could cut back or streamline?

Perhaps you could crochet during your lunch break or for half an hour before bed.

Every little bit counts!

The Power of Deep Breathing

When I feel stressed or anxious, deep breathing is one of my go-to exercises.

'Take Six', is a breathing exercise which can be a game-changer for managing stress and enhancing your sense of calm, especially when on the go.

It is particularly beneficial during moments of heightened tension, such as before a big meeting or presentation, when anxiety creeps in, or simply as a soothing addition to your daily relaxation ritual.

Take Six Breathing Exercise: Inhale Calmness, Exhale Stress

By focusing on intentional breathing and visualization, this practice can effectively reduce stress and promote relaxation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find a Comfortable Position: Sit or lie down in a quiet space where you can relax without distractions.

  2. Settle Your Mind: Close your eyes gently and take a moment to settle your thoughts. Allow your body to relax and your mind to quiet.

  3. Inhale Calmness: Slowly breathe in through your nose for a count of six. As you inhale, visualize calmness entering your body. Imagine it as a soothing wave or a gentle breeze, filling you with peace and serenity.

  4. Pause for a Moment: Hold your breath briefly, and feel the sense of calm you have drawn in. Allow this feeling to spread through your entire being.

  5. Exhale Stress: Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of six. As you breathe out, visualize releasing stress and tension. Imagine the stress as a dark cloud or a heavyweight leaving your body, growing lighter with each breath out.

  6. Repeat the Cycle: Continue this cycle for six deep breaths. With each repetition, focus on deepening your sense of calm and releasing more stress.

This exercise, which only takes a few minutes, can significantly enhance your mood and well-being.

Why not try it before your next crochet session?

Or whenever you need a moment of peace, and let the power of your breath guide you to a state of relaxation.

Community and Support

Joining Crochet Groups

Engaging with a community can enhance the therapeutic benefits of crochet. Join local crochet groups where you can share tips, swap yarn, and socialize with like-minded individuals.

These connections can enrich your experience, providing a sense of belonging and support.

Online Resources and Communities

If local groups aren’t accessible, the internet is brimming with vibrant crochet communities. Platforms like Ravelry or Facebook have countless groups where you can share your projects, seek advice, and form friendships with fellow crochet enthusiasts from around the world.

By incorporating crochet into your self-care routine, you open the door to a sanctuary of relaxation, creativity, and connection. Are you ready to embark on your crochet self-care journey?

I invite you to share your experiences and projects in the comments below—I'd love to hear your stories and see your creations.

What’s your favourite crochet project for self-care?

Happy crocheting, and may your journey be as fulfilling as it is inspiring!

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