Crochet - Wellness - Passion To Profit


Do you dream of being able to pursue your passions and do more of what brings you joy?

Welcome to Mouse & Sparrow

I'm Claudia, and my journey with Mouse and Sparrow started several years back as a way to share my passion for:

  • Crochet: I started crochet at age seven and never stopped!

  • Wellness: I lost my mother at a very young age, which triggered a deep desire to look after my health

  • Passion to profit: Not worrying about money by learning to make more by doing what you love is priceless.

I believe that finding a balance between creativity, wellness, and money is the foundation for a life lived with purpose, freedom, and unbridled enthusiasm.

More About Me

In my 30s and 40s, I had a demanding marketing career. I always had a side job. For 10 years my side job was running an online art gallery. Followed by art business coaching. Raising my three kids kept me busy as well.

I was desperate to swap my 9-5 to the freedom of working for myself.

But none of my “side -jobs” felt like this is it.

I felt lost.

My job and business were weighing me down rather than lifting me. I was rushing around, dedicating every moment to work, my family and supporting other peoples’ creativity which left nothing in the tank for me.

Can you relate?

You dream of being able to pursue your passions and do more of what brings you joy.

Then cancer knocked on my family’s door.

This was such a wake-up call and a resolve to change the life that no longer resonated with my soul.

Rediscovering my love for crochet became my guiding light, propelling me towards self-discovery and growth.

I swapped my corporate and side  jobs, with a part time job to free up time. And wholeheartedly dedicated myself to Mouse and Sparrow.

Was it easy? No!!

Did I make mistakes? Hell, YES!

Did I work hard?  Oh YES!

But you know what, as I reflect on this journey, I stand tall—imbued with a sense of well-being, joy, and freedom that transcends monetary value.

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Explore crochet patterns, DIY projects, and creative inspiration to enhance your crafting skills and bring beauty to your everyday life.

Find out about practices for mindfulness, self-care, and achieving balance in a hectic world.


Discover the value of aligning your work with your passion and uncover the pathways to a prosperous and fulfilling future.