How To Find A Balance Between Work and Happiness

Balancing work and happiness is no small feat. Like many of you, I’ve found myself juggling these aspects of life, often feeling stretched too thin. I used to believe that achieving this balance was an unattainable dream.

Many of us are caught in the relentless pursuit of career success, often at the expense of our well-being and happiness. However, achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal happiness is not only possible but essential for leading a fulfilling life.

Let’s delve into practical tips and personal insights to help you prioritize what truly matters, ensuring that your journey towards success is also a journey towards happiness.

Definition of "Balance"

Balance isn’t about giving equal time to work and life every single day. Instead, it’s about finding an equilibrium that enables you to thrive across all areas over time. It’s about creating a harmonious blend where each facet of life supports the others, rather than competes with them.

Let’s look at each element a little closer.


Work provides a sense of purpose and financial stability. It challenges us and helps us grow professionally. But when work takes over, it can lead to burnout and stress. For me, working for myself and doing what I love has been the key. The freedom it grants is worth more than any paycheck.

Did you know you spend an average of 80.000 hours in your life at your job? That’s 10.000 days!
So, it makes sense that you aim to do what you love.

Finding your passions might be easy or tricky - especially if you have lots of them.
But you must understand what makes you feel alive and ultimately what feeds your soul so that you can have beams of light shining from within.

Here are some tips to help you discover your passion:


Get an A3 sheet of paper and jot down the following questions inside bubbles.

  • What passions did you have as a child?

  • Which three subjects in school were your favorites?

  • What activities do you find most enjoyable?

  • Which industries and topics ignite your enthusiasm?

  • What subjects could you read about endlessly without losing interest?

Allow your thoughts to flow freely and capture every answer that comes to mind. Once done, use a highlighter to emphasize the responses that resonate most with you. Finally, compile these highlighted elements into a separate sheet - your passion list.

Reflect deeply on your passion list, on your experiences and the emotional baggage that has shaped you. Acknowledge the doubts that have been holding you back and the untruths you've been feeding yourself.

These internal barriers often cloud your true potential and hinder your journey toward purpose. Remember, finding your purpose is not a quick exercise; it requires patience and introspection.

Your purpose is already within you, waiting to be discovered and embraced. Take the time to peel back the layers and listen to your inner voice, allowing your genuine passions and aspirations to come to the forefront.

Purpose = Happiness

Happiness is the glue that holds everything together. It’s found in the small moments of joy, the sense of accomplishment, and the love we share with others. Crafting, especially crochet, has been a significant contributor to my happiness. It’s a creative outlet that also serves as a form of self-care.

I believe that discovering your core purpose and passion in life, and then having the courage and vision to turn it into your livelihood, brings unparalleled happiness. It allows you to spend all time fully aligned, without the need to separate "work" from "life." When you build a life that seamlessly blends purpose and family, the concept of work/life balance becomes irrelevant. You can truly become the master of your own journey.

What are the benefits of having a purpose, I hear you ask.

Depth: It will end the search for what you truly love, showing you how to contribute meaningfully to the world.

Connection: It helps you find your tribe. Knowing the environment that nurtures your soul will enable you to thrive.

Clarity: Connecting with your purpose gives you clarity and focus, ensuring your time is used effectively and not wasted.

Confidence: Realizing that you are here for a reason gives you a profound sense of inner confidence.

The Challenge

In today’s fast-paced world, balancing these elements is increasingly difficult. We’re constantly bombarded with demands from work, social obligations, and the pressures of life. This makes it tricky to carve out moments to reflect on where we are and what we want to be.

As I grew personally and gained more clarity, I realised that while I had little control over most things:
I did have power over two crucial aspects: my time and my mindset.

Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake.
— Sir Francis Bacon

This quote by Sir Francis Bacon's serves as a powerful reminder of the transient nature of life.
It emphasizes the urgency of pursuing our passions and dreams without delay, as the present moment is fleeting and precious.

The message is clear: seize the opportunities before you, for time is ever slipping away. It urges us to take immediate action on our goals and desires, for the future is uncertain and the only time we truly possess is now.

This quote profoundly impacted me by shifting my perspective on time and action.

It illuminated the urgency of living in the present and pursuing my passions without hesitation.
This realization dismantled my procrastination and fear of the unknown, replacing them with a newfound sense of purpose and immediacy and with it a focus and clarity on what truly matters.

We all get 24 hours in a day.

How we spend it is up to us!

Finding a balance between work and happiness has been a journey of discovery and intentionality for me. Embracing mindfulness practices, such as meditation, crochet and journaling, has also helped me stay present and focused, reducing stress and enhancing my well-being.

Additionally, I prioritize activities that bring me joy and fulfillment, such as spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and maintaining a regular exercise routine. By aligning my daily actions with my core values and passions, I have found a harmonious balance that nurtures both my professional ambitions and personal happiness.

Here’s what works for me:

  • Prioritising Self-Care: Crafting is my go-to activity for relaxation. Crochet allows me to enter a meditative state, reducing stress and promoting mindfulness.

  • Setting Boundaries: Working for myself means I have the flexibility to set my own hours. I make sure to carve out time for exercise, healthy meals, and family.

  • Integrating Passions with Work: By turning my love for crochet into a business, I’ve found a way to blend work and passion seamlessly. This integration has been crucial for my overall happiness.

Finding a work and happiness balance is a continuous, evolving process. It requires conscious effort and the willingness to make adjustments along the way. I encourage you to reflect on your own life and find ways to integrate activities that bring you joy, like crafting. By doing so, you’ll discover the secret to a fulfilling and balanced life.

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