How To Start An Online Crochet Store

Are you looking to launch an online crochet store in 2024 but unsure where to start?

Well, you're in luck because I'm about to spill the beans on the 5 steps you need to take your online crochet store from eCommerce amateur to pro.

Get ready to master the world of selling online!

There has never been a better time to sell your crochet creation online than now.

Don't let the founders of Etsy and Amazon have all the fun - open your own online store!

How do I start?

Don't worry, you don't need to be a tech whiz. All you need is a bit of hard work and some guidance.

And guess what?

I'm here to be that guide for you! Let's dive in and get started on this exciting adventure together.

How To Set Up An Online Crochet Store In 5 Easy Steps

Let’s look at 5 easy to follow steps so that you can get your online store up and running in no time.

- Who are your customers and what are their needs

The first crucial step in setting up your online crochet store is identifying your target audience.

Understanding who your ideal customers are and what they want. This will enable you to crochet products that resonate with them whilst also creating a strong foundation for your online store.

How do I get started?

Begin by defining the demographics and psychographics of your potential customers.

Demographics include factors such as:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Income level

while psychographics encompasses:

  • Interests

  • Hobbies

  • Values

  • Lifestyles

For instance, your target audience may be young mothers who value handmade, eco-friendly baby products or fashion-forward individuals seeking unique, artisanal accessories.

Next, consider the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience.

  • What types of crochet products are they likely to be interested in?

  • What features or qualities do they prioritize, for example, are they looking for durability, comfort, or aesthetics?

By understanding these aspects, you can create products which match their needs and desires. In the long run, this will set you apart from competitors and create loyal customers.

Conduct a thorough market research to gain insights into your target audience and their preferences. You can use tools such as surveys, Facebook groups, or social media analytics to gather valuable data and stay informed about industry trends.

Analyse the success stories of other crochet businesses to identify common traits among their customer base and apply those insights to your own venture.

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, craft a compelling brand story and messaging that speaks directly to their needs and aspirations.

Showcase your uniqueness, such as:

  • Your exceptional crochet skills

  • Creative designs

  • Or a commitment to sustainability

TIP: Make sure that your marketing efforts consistently convey this narrative across all channels. By thoroughly identifying and understanding your target audience, you'll be empowered to create crochet products that truly resonate with your customers, laying the foundation for a successful and thriving online crochet store.

granny square crochet pieces in blue

Step 2: Identify Your Crochet Niche
- What is a Niche

Before you dive into finding your niche…here is a look at what a niche is:

In the world of crochet, a crochet niche refers to a specialized segment within the broader market that caters to specific customer needs, preferences, and interests. By focusing on a particular niche, you can create unique, targeted products that resonate with a specific audience, allowing them to differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a strong brand identity.

A crochet niche can be defined by various factors, such as the types of products created, techniques used, materials employed, or the target audience's preferences.

Some examples of crochet niches include:

  1. Baby and children's items: This niche focuses on creating crocheted products such as blankets, clothing, toys, and accessories for infants and young children.

  2. Home décor: In this niche, crochet artists specialize in crafting items like decorative pillows, afghans, table runners, and wall hangings to add a touch of warmth and personality to customers' living spaces.

  3. Fashion accessories: This niche involves designing and producing handmade hats, scarves, shawls, and bags for fashion-conscious individuals who value unique, artisanal products.

  4. Amigurumi: Crochet designers in this niche specialize in creating crocheted stuffed toys and figurines, often featuring popular characters or themes.

  5. Custom or personalized items: This niche caters to customers seeking bespoke or made-to-order products tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

TIP: By exploring and identifying a crochet niche that aligns with your skills, passions, and the needs of your target audience, you can create a successful and profitable business that stands out in the market and captures the hearts of your customers.

How To Find Your Niche

To identify your crochet niche, begin by analysing your skills, interests, and the types of projects you enjoy working on most.

Are there any recurring themes or elements in your creations, such as a particular style, technique, or material?

What’s your crochet passion?

Consider what aspects of your work set you apart and which products you're most passionate about.

If there's a strong alignment between your passion and your niche, you'll be more likely to stay motivated and committed to your online store, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. This enthusiasm will shine through in your work, enabling you to create unique, high-quality products that captivate your customers and set you apart from competitors.

In case your passion doesn't align perfectly with your niche, explore ways to incorporate elements of your passion into your offerings while still catering to the demands of your target market.

For instance, if you love using eco-friendly materials, but your niche is fashion accessories, consider creating stylish, sustainable accessories that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Next, determine the demand for your chosen niche and identify potential opportunities or gaps in the marketplace. Investigate competitor offerings, customer preferences, and industry trends to ensure there's sufficient interest in your niche and room for growth. Keep in mind that while a narrower niche may have a smaller audience, it can also result in less competition and a more loyal customer base.

TIP: Once you've defined your crochet niche, tailor your product offerings, brand story, and marketing efforts to cater specifically to this segment. Emphasize the unique aspects of your niche in your messaging and promotional materials, highlighting how your products address the specific needs, desires, and values of your target customers.

Step 3: How to Spot Top-Selling Crochet Products Within Your Niche

As you work to establish your online crochet store, it's essential to keep an eye on the top-selling products within your niche and stay informed about emerging trends. By identifying popular items and capitalizing on in-demand styles, techniques, or themes, you'll be better equipped to create products that resonate with your target audience and drive the success of your business.

Here are some effective strategies for trend spotting and discovering top-selling crochet products within your niche:

  1. Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook can provide invaluable insights into current trends and popular products. Follow influencers, fellow crochet artists, and industry hashtags to stay informed about what's capturing the attention of your target audience.

  2. Join Online Communities: Engage with fellow crochet enthusiasts and potential customers in online forums, groups, and communities. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and gather feedback to gauge interest in specific products or identify emerging trends.

  3. Analyse Competitors: Keep a close watch on successful competitors within your niche to identify their top-selling products and marketing strategies. Analyse their offerings, pricing, and customer reviews to gain insights into what resonates with your target audience.

  4. Track Industry Publications and Events: Subscribe to crochet and craft magazines, blogs, or newsletters, and attend industry events or trade shows to stay informed about the latest trends, techniques, and product innovations.

  5. Leverage Online Tools: Utilize tools like Google Trends, keyword research, and Etsy's Trending Items section to track search volume and interest in specific crochet products or styles.

  6. Test and Iterate: Experiment with creating small batches of new products based on your trend spotting findings. Gauge customer interest and feedback before investing significant resources into larger-scale production.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry and let your creativity flourish as you grow your crochet business.

TIP: you can also collect data from Amazon Handmade and Esty buyers to learn what your potential customers are searching for and buying.

  • provides reports by real buyers on Esty. You can set up a free account to get started.

  • is another service that helps you discover merging trends and top-ranking products on Amazon Handmade

  • Another source of inspiration is to follow influences on Instagram. Use the free version on to find influencers by topic.

– Validate your ideas

To ensure your crochet products resonate with your target audience and stand out in the marketplace, it's essential to validate your product ideas before investing time, energy, and resources into their creation.

Start by brainstorming a list of potential crochet products that align with your skills, interests, and the needs of your target audience. Consider factors such as current market trends, customer preferences, and any gaps or untapped niches in the industry.

This could include items like crocheted clothing, home décor, amigurumi, or customized accessories.

Once you've compiled your list of potential products, conduct thorough market research to assess the viability and demand for each idea.

Utilize tools like:

To gauge the level of interest and saturation in the market, identify which product ideas have the most potential for success and profitability, considering factors such as production time, material costs, and pricing.

Engage with potential customers to gather insights into their preferences, needs, and willingness to purchase your products.
This valuable information can help you refine your offerings to better cater to your audience's desires and maximize your chances of success.

TIP: Once you've gathered sufficient data and validated your product ideas, prioritize the creation of a few key items to launch your online crochet store. Focus on delivering exceptional quality and unique designs that set you apart from competitors, and ensure your products align with your brand story and messaging.

Step 5: Create Your Crochet Products
- Curate an inventory collection

As you progress in turning your crochet hobby into a profitable online business, it's essential to thoughtfully curate an inventory collection that captivates your target audience.

Here are some strategies to help you create and curate a compelling inventory collection:

  1. Align with Your Niche: Ensure that your product offerings align with your chosen crochet niche and cater to the specific interests and preferences of your target audience.

  2. Balance Variety and Focus: While it's important to offer a diverse range of products to appeal to different tastes and needs, avoid spreading yourself too thin by attempting to cater to every possible customer. Maintain a clear focus on your niche and ensure your product selection remains cohesive and complementary.

  3. Consider Seasonality: Keep in mind the changing seasons and plan your inventory accordingly. Offer seasonal items, such as lightweight scarves for spring or cosy blankets for winter, to keep your product offerings fresh and relevant.

  4. Prioritize Quality and Craftsmanship: Ensure that each product in your collection reflects exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Invest time and attention to detail in creating unique, well-made items that showcase your passion and skill.

  5. Monitor Trends and Customer Feedback: Stay informed about emerging trends within your niche and pay close attention to customer feedback. Adapt your inventory collection based on what resonates most with your audience, and be open to refining your offerings as needed.

  6. Optimize Inventory Management: Develop a system for managing your inventory, including tracking stock levels, updating product listings, and planning for restocking or discontinuation of items. This will help you maintain a well-organized and efficient online store.

TIP: By curating an inventory collection that carefully balances variety, quality, and relevance to your target audience, you'll create a captivating online crochet store that stands out in the market.

Step 6: Print on Demand
- Ideas of other things to sell in your store

In addition to offering handmade crochet products, incorporating print-on-demand (POD) items into your online store can be a fantastic way to diversify your product offerings, attract a wider audience, and generate additional revenue.

With POD services, you can create custom designs featuring crochet themes or motifs, which are then printed onto various products and shipped directly to your customers without the need for inventory management.

Here are some creative print-on-demand ideas that you can incorporate into your online stores:

  1. Crochet Pattern Books: Create and sell digital or physical crochet pattern books featuring your original designs.
    This allows fellow crochet enthusiasts to recreate your unique creations and showcases your expertise in the craft.

  2. Crochet-Themed Apparel: Design and offer crochet-inspired t-shirts, hoodies, or hats featuring catchy phrases, puns, or illustrations that resonate with fellow crochet lovers.

  3. Tote Bags and Project Bags: Create stylish, functional tote bags or project bags featuring crochet-themed designs or patterns. These bags can be used by your customers to carry their crochet supplies or completed projects.

  4. Phone Cases and Laptop Sleeves: Design protective cases and sleeves for phones and laptops adorned with crochet-inspired artwork or patterns, appealing to both crochet enthusiasts and those who appreciate the craft's aesthetic.

  5. Home Décor Items: Offer crochet-themed home décor products such as posters, wall art, throw pillows, or even printed blankets that showcase your love for the craft and add a touch of handmade charm to any living space.

  6. Stationery & Planner Accessories: Design stationery items like notebooks, greeting cards, or planners featuring crochet motifs, patterns, or quotes, catering to crochet lovers who enjoy organizing their projects or expressing their passion through writing.

  7. Crochet-Themed Mugs: Create custom mugs with crochet-related designs or quotes that fellow enthusiasts can use while enjoying their favourite beverage during crochet sessions.

TIP: Embrace the potential of POD services to showcase your creativity, enhance your brand, and grow your crochet business.

Step 7: Digital Product
-Ideas for additional products to sell

Digital products require no physical inventory or shipping, making them an attractive addition to your crochet business.

Here are some creative digital product ideas that crochet lovers can incorporate into their online stores:

  1. Crochet Patterns: Design and sell original crochet patterns as downloadable PDF files. This allows fellow crochet enthusiasts to purchase your designs and create their own versions of your unique creations, showcasing your expertise in the craft.

  2. Crochet Video Tutorials: Create and offer video tutorials covering various crochet techniques, stitches, or project walkthroughs. These can be sold as individual videos or bundled into comprehensive courses, catering to both beginners and advanced crochet enthusiasts.

  3. Crochet E-books: Write and sell e-books on topics related to crochet, such as mastering specific techniques, exploring different styles, or even sharing your personal journey in the world of crochet.

  4. Printable Project Planners: Design printable project planners or organizers tailored to crochet lovers, featuring pages for tracking project progress, yarn inventory, pattern notes, and more.

  5. Membership Site Access: Offer exclusive access to a membership site where you provide monthly crochet content, such as new patterns, video tutorials, live Q&A sessions, or a supportive community forum for fellow crochet enthusiasts.

  6. Customizable Crochet Templates: Develop customizable templates for creating personalized crochet projects, such as custom-fit garments, home décor items, or gifts. This allows customers to input their own measurements or preferences and receive a tailored pattern.

  7. Crochet-themed Graphics and Illustrations: Design and sell crochet-inspired graphics, illustrations, or clipart that customers can use for their own digital or print projects, such as social media posts, blog banners, or crafting materials.

TIP: By offering a variety of digital products in your online crochet store, you'll not only expand your product offerings but also create additional revenue streams that complement your handmade items.

Step 8: Key Pages to Include in Your Website Design
- It pays to get them right

As you set up your online crochet store, it's essential to create a well-structured and user-friendly website that includes key pages to provide essential information, build trust with your visitors, and ensure a seamless shopping experience.

Here are the key pages you should include in your website design and what each page should contain:

  1. About Page: The About page is an opportunity to share your story, your passion for crochet, and the inspiration behind your creations. This page should include a brief introduction to you as the artist, your creative process, and the mission or values behind your brand. Including photos of yourself and your workspace can help create a personal connection with your customers.

  2. Contact Page: Provide clear and accessible contact information so customers can easily reach you with questions, concerns, or feedback. Include an email address, phone number (optional), and links to your social media profiles. You may also incorporate a contact form for customers to submit inquiries directly from your website.

  3. Return Policy: Clearly outline your return, exchange, and refund policies to set customer expectations and instill confidence in your products. Include details on the conditions under which returns or exchanges are accepted, the time frame for initiating a return, and any associated costs or procedures.

  4. Privacy Policy: Your Privacy Policy should inform customers about the types of personal information you collect, how it's used, and the measures you take to protect their data. This page is not only essential for building trust with your customers but is also required by law in many jurisdictions.

  5. Shop or Products Page: Create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate Shop or Products page where customers can browse and purchase your crochet items. Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and pricing information for each product. Organize your products into categories or collections to help customers find what they're looking for quickly.

  6. FAQ Page: Address common customer questions and concerns by creating a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. This can include information on shipping, payment methods, product care, and any other relevant topics. A well-crafted FAQ page can save you time by reducing the number of inquiries you receive and enhance the overall customer experience.

  7. Testimonials or Reviews Page: Showcase positive customer feedback, testimonials, or product reviews to build credibility and social proof for your brand. This can help potential customers feel more confident in their decision to purchase from your store.

Step 9: Choose an eCommerce Platform
– Select an e-commerce platform that meets your business needs

Selecting the right eCommerce platform for your online crochet store is crucial to ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers and efficient management of your business.

There are several popular platforms to choose from, each with its own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks.

Here's an overview of three popular options - Podia, Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress - to help you make an informed decision:

➡ Podia

A quick, affordable and easy platform to get started is Podia.

It’s an affordable, all-in-one place to sell your digital products, teach aspiring artists your techniques, host drawing workshops, and so much more. With Podia, you can run your entire art business from one easy-to-use dashboard without breaking the bank.

Over the last few months, I’ve supported a number of artists in setting up and fine-tuning their Podia website and shop, and I was truly impressed by the value for money and support system they have received. In addition, Podia offers a straightforward and super user-friendly interface that allows you to upload your digital products and sell them directly to buyers.

You can get started and create a full website on their FREE account!


  1. Ease of Use: Podia's platform is praised for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. Even those inexperienced in creating a website find it straightforward to navigate.

  2. Unlimited Everything: Podia offers unlimited everything, from course creations to students and no transaction fees, which makes it a cost-effective solution for content creators.

  3. Excellent Customer Service: The customer support team at Podia has been commended for their responsiveness and helpfulness. They offer live chat support, ensuring your queries are addressed promptly.

  4. Affordable: Compared to other platforms, Podia offers an affordable solution for creators wanting to sell online courses


    1. Limited Features: While it's a low-cost platform, Podia is noted to have fewer features compared to some other platforms in the market.

    2. No Phone Support: Although Podia's customer service is excellent, they currently only offer live chat support and no phone support.

➡ Squarespace


  • User-friendly interface with a wide variety of visually appealing templates designed specifically for eCommerce

  • Built-in inventory management, shipping, and tax tools

  • Integration with popular payment gateways, such as Stripe and PayPal


  • Limited customization options compared to some other platforms

  • Fewer third-party integrations than competitors

  • Higher pricing plans for advanced eCommerce features

➡ Wix


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop website builder, making it easy for beginners to create a professional-looking online store

  • Wide range of customizable templates and design options

  • Affordable pricing plans with eCommerce features available on all paid plans


  • Limited scalability, which may become a concern as your business grows

  • Less robust built-in eCommerce features compared to specialized platforms

  • No support for multi-channel selling (e.g., integrating with Amazon or eBay)

➡ WordPress (with WooCommerce)


  • Highly customizable and scalable, offering virtually unlimited design options and functionality through plugins

  • WooCommerce, a powerful and widely-used eCommerce plugin, provides a comprehensive suite of features for managing your online store

  • Large community and extensive documentation, offering support and resources for troubleshooting and development


  • Steeper learning curve for those new to website building or WordPress

  • Requires manual setup of hosting, domain, and SSL certificate, which may be challenging for beginners

  • Ongoing maintenance and updates is needed for plugins and themes to ensure website security and functionality

TIP: When choosing an eCommerce platform, consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, scalability, and pricing. Evaluate each platform's features and limitations in the context of your specific business needs and long-term goals.

Step 10: Create Your Brand Identity
– Build a unique brand identity that stands out from the competition

Establishing a strong and unique brand identity is essential. Your brand identity encompasses the visual and emotional elements that define your business, including your logo, colour palette, typography, and overall style.

Here are some steps to help you create a captivating brand identity for your crochet business:

  1. Define Your Brand's Core Values: Start by outlining the core values and mission that drive your business. Include what makes your crochet creations unique, the emotions you want to evoke, and the experience you wish to offer your customers.

  2. Develop a Visual Style: Choose a colour palette, typography, and design elements that reflect your brand's personality and appeal to your target audience. Consistency in these elements across your website, social media, and marketing materials will help establish a cohesive and memorable brand identity.

  3. Design a Logo: Create a distinctive and memorable logo that represents your brand and captures the essence of your crochet business. Your logo should be versatile enough for use on various platforms and materials, from your website and packaging to promotional items.

  4. Craft a Unique Brand Voice: Develop a consistent voice and tone for your written content, including product descriptions, blog posts, and social media updates. Your brand voice should reflect your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience, creating an emotional connection with your customers.

  5. Create a Brand Style Guide: Compile your brand's visual elements, logo usage guidelines, and voice/tone into a comprehensive style guide. This will serve as a reference for maintaining consistency across your marketing efforts and ensure that your brand identity remains cohesive as your business grows.

TIP: Invest some time and effort into crafting a captivating brand identity that reflects your passion for crochet and resonates with your customers, laying the groundwork for long-term success.

Step 12: Invest in Quality Photography
– Attract customers with high-quality product images

In an online store, images are often the first impression customers have of your products. So, high-quality product photography is crucial for showcasing your crochet products and capturing the attention of potential customers.

Investing in quality photography can help convey the craftsmanship, uniqueness, and value of your items, ultimately driving sales and fostering customer trust.

Here are some tips for achieving captivating product images:

  1. Use a Good Camera: While smartphones have come a long way in terms of camera quality, using a DSLR or mirrorless camera with appropriate lenses will yield better results. These cameras offer greater control over settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, allowing you to capture sharp, well-lit images.

  2. Master Lighting: Proper lighting is essential for capturing the true colors, textures, and details of your crochet products. Experiment with natural light or invest in affordable lighting equipment, such as softboxes or LED panels, to create a well-lit environment that showcases your items in the best possible light.

  3. Choose the Right Background: Select a simple, uncluttered background that complements your crochet creations without distracting from them. Neutral backgrounds, such as white or light grey, work well for most products and allow the colours and textures of your items to stand out.

  4. Capture Multiple Angles and Close-ups: Showcase your products from various angles and include close-up shots to highlight intricate details, stitch patterns, and textures. This helps customers get a comprehensive understanding of your items and appreciate the craftsmanship involved.

  5. Style and Stage Your Products: Thoughtfully style and stage your crochet items to create visually appealing images that evoke emotions and tell a story.

    For example, drape a crochet blanket over a cosy armchair or display a crochet scarf on a mannequin. This not only adds context but also helps customers envision how the products will fit into their lives.

  6. Edit Your Photos: Use photo editing software or apps to enhance your images, correct colours, adjust brightness and contrast, and crop or resize as needed. Be careful not to over-edit, as maintaining an accurate representation of your products is essential for building customer trust.

  7. Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your product images maintain a consistent style, lighting, and composition across your online store. This creates a cohesive and professional look that enhances your brand identity and overall shopping experience.

TIP: By investing in quality photography, you'll create a visually appealing online store that showcases the true value and beauty of your crochet creations.

Step 12: Grow Your Store and Become a Marketing Genius
– Learn to market strategically & consistently

Developing a strategic and consistent marketing plan is essential for driving traffic to your online store and attracting new customers. By leveraging a combination of marketing strategies, you'll increase your brand's visibility, create buzz around your products, and ultimately grow your business.

Here are some effective marketing strategies to consider implementing:

  1. Content Marketing: Create valuable and engaging content related to crochet, such as blog posts, tutorials, or pattern roundups, to attract your target audience and showcase your expertise. Share this content on your website, social media, and through email newsletters to keep your audience engaged and encourage them to visit your online store.

  2. Social Media Marketing: Build an active presence on social media platforms popular among your target audience, such as Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. Share captivating images of your products, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process, and educational or entertaining content to foster a community of crochet enthusiasts who are eager to support your brand.

  3. Email Marketing: Collect email addresses from visitors to your website and build an email list to send regular newsletters, product updates, and promotional offers. Email marketing allows you to maintain a direct line of communication with your customers and keep them engaged with your brand.

  4. Influencer Collaborations: Partner with crochet influencers or bloggers who share your target audience by offering them free products in exchange for reviews or social media features. This can help increase your brand's exposure, credibility, and reach within the crochet community.

  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website and content for search engines by conducting keyword research, optimizing meta tags and headings, and creating high-quality, relevant content. This will help improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages, making it easier for potential customers to find your store.

  6. Paid Advertising: Explore the use of paid advertising on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook, or Instagram to reach a larger audience and drive targeted traffic to your online store. Start with a small budget and test different ad formats, targeting options, and creatives to find the most effective strategy for your business.

  7. Promotions and Giveaways: Host promotions, flash sales, or giveaways on your website or social media channels to create excitement around your products and encourage new customers to make a purchase. This can also help grow your email list and social media following.

TIP: Implement a variety of marketing strategies and consistently refine your approach based on performance data. Invest time and effort into learning and executing effective marketing tactics to become a marketing genius and drive the success of your store.

🎉Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this post! 🎉

You now have all the knowledge you need to set up your online crochet store.

For eCommerce shoppers, it's all about the visual experience.

In fact, studies show that product images are a major factor in their decision-making process, with over half of online customers considering them a must-have.

Feel free to get in touch and email me if you have any questions, I'm happy to help and promise to reply to every message.

And if you know anyone interested in starting an online crochet store, please share this blog post with them.

I'd be super grateful!

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