8 Of The Best Crochet Related Digital Products To Create & Sell

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Are you ready to start using your love for crochet to create some passive income? I’ve created a list of 8 digital products you can create and start making extra yarn money today!

The beauty of digital products is that they can be created once and sold repeatedly to different customers without having to replenish inventory, making them ideal for generating passive income.

The demand for digital products is surging at an unprecedented rate.

Digital goods commerce is growing dramatically – twice as fast as physical goods commerce – and accelerating, boosted by seismic shifts that are happening worldwide in the way we buy things.

You might be wondering what to sell.

So, without further ado, here are the top 8 crochet-related digital products predicted to be hot sellers in 2024.

Selling digital products like e-books, PDF patterns or courses offers a simple alternative to selling physical crochet goods. The initial costs are minimal and you can enjoy high profit margins as concerns over production errors or shipping expenses are eliminated.

Let’s get started!

  1. Crochet Patterns

Without a doubt, the most popular type of digital crochet product to sell is a pattern. Focus on creating unique, high-quality patterns and provide clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Beautiful, well-photographed “How-to” and images of the finished product can also increase your chances of making a sale.

2. Crochet Tutorials

With crochet tutorials, you can share your knowledge and passion for this craft by teaching others. You can create step-by-step written instructions or use websites like Podia or Skillshare to create and sell a crochet tutorial.

You could create a series of video lessons that take students from basic stitches to intricate patterns.

Alternatively, you could start a YouTube channel dedicated to crochet tutorials. While it may take time to build an audience, once you do, you can monetize your channel through ads, sponsored videos, or by offering premium content for a fee.

3. Crochet eBooks

More and more people are turning to digital books. Some projections suggest that ebooks account for over a quarter of the entire book market! This indicates that the present moment is an ideal opportunity to profit from selling ebooks online.

‘What to write about?

  • You can turn a crochet tutorial into an e-book.

  • Create a pattern book around a certain theme

Once your content is penned down, creating and self-publishing ebooks is a breeze, especially with platforms such as Kindle Direct Publishing. This means you can dive right into selling without delay.

4. Crochet Courses

Online learning has almost doubled in size over the last few years, with projections indicating a potential tripling in size from 2023 to 2030. The most exciting aspect is that you can sell your crochet expertise by selling online courses.

An easy way to get started is by using a platform like SkillShare or Podia. I found they make it very easy to create your online course and start selling. Ready to get started? Sign up here.

5. Crochet-related Printables

Crochet-related printables are digital products that customers buy online and subsequently print on their own.

Think about files you can download and print at home like planners, checklists or instructions.

Popular examples are:

  • Crochet project planner

  • Crochet pattern planner

  • Crochet diagrams

  • Crochet market inventory planners

  • Seasonal marketing plan

  • Crochet themed sticker

6. Crochet Digital Video

If creating videos is your thing you can set up a YouTube channel. You could start a YouTube channel dedicated to crochet tutorials. While it may take time to build an audience, once you do, you can monetize your channel through ads, sponsored videos, or by offering premium content for a fee.

What type of video content is most popular:

  • Tutorials

  • Product Comparison

  • Behind-the-scenes footage

7. Paid Newsletter

Paid newsletters are email campaigns, bought through a monthly or annual subscription. It’s a way you can provide subscribers with exclusive content not available elsewhere. It’s an excellent opportunity to establish your brand while also securing a steady income.

Wondering what to include in a paid newsletter?

If you're already generating content, consider offering exclusive elements such as:

  • unpublished blogs

  • insider-peeks into your yarn stash

  • in-depth tutorial about a special technique or stitch

  • pattern or collection preview

Regardless of your content, ensure that it surpasses the quality of what people can access for free elsewhere. Paid newsletters typically range from $5-$15 per month, don't hesitate to research your competitors and investigate their newsletter pricing.

8. Membership

Membership sites are private communities where members can access exclusive content via paid subscriptions.

A good example of a membership site is a content library, much like how you get access to Netflix's entire content with a membership. You can keep all your crochet patterns in a central hub behind a gated paywall.

You can also provide crochet tutorials or crochet-along sessions.

Are you ready to start selling digital products?
Let's look at how to get started:

>>Decide what you want to create and sell.

Choosing the perfect digital product to sell can often be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be.

Begin by reflecting on your strengths and unique skills. This self-assessment will guide you towards identifying the product.

  • Do you prefer to write or be on camera?

  • Do you prefer to write patterns or create a planner?

  • Who is your target audience?

  • Who will buy your digital product?

Answering these questions can lead you to create a product that is effectively tailored to your customers' needs. With these considerations in mind, generate a list of potential digital product ideas that you are passionate about.

>>Research your niche and validate your idea

Validate your preferred product ideas before you create them. Keep in mind that you want to generate sales once you're done with your hard work.

Begin by utilizing resources like Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends to investigate what keywords consumers are using to locate similar products and the volume of searches made for each.

Search for an optimal balance where there is moderate competition, suggesting that a market exists, but not so much that it would be challenging for your product to gain visibility.

  • What are the top-selling items of your competitors?

  • Which digital products are trending on Etsy?

Review customer feedback and social media commentary for similar products. Pay special attention to areas where customers express dissatisfaction or make requests for improvements.

Armed with this information, you can select a product that will not only provide value to customers but also yield profitable returns.

>> Finalize your sales strategy

After deciding what digital product to make and sell, the subsequent step is to determine your sales platform.
You have two primary choices:

a) Utilize an established eCommerce platform like Etsy, Ravelry or Skillshare: This choice provides the benefit of a ready-made customer base that spans millions. Additionally, it enables you to start selling quickly.

b) Launch your online store: If you desire more control and customization in vending your digital products, establishing an online store on your website is a viable option.

Podia is an excellent platform for this purpose. Its user-friendly layout simplifies the process of setting up your store. Furthermore, it offers a variety of design themes, templates, and tools to enhance the uniqueness of your store and streamline its management.

You can set up a free account with Podia by clicking here.

>>Promote your digital products

Regardless of how exceptional your digital product is, it won't matter unless it reaches potential customers. Here are the top five strategies to effectively promote your digital products.

  1. Leverage Social Media Platforms
    If your goal is to sell digital products online, maintaining an active social media presence is essential. This involves not only generating engaging content but also participating in discussions and fostering relationships with potential customers within the online community.

  2. Provide Value First
    Before asking customers to make a purchase, offer them something valuable. Consider starting a blog or offering a free download of a pattern. By establishing yourself as a trusted source and industry authority, customers will naturally gravitate towards you when they're ready to make a purchase.

  3. Paid Advertising
    If you want to widen your reach, think about investing in paid advertising campaigns via platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Paid ads are an effective method to place your product before your target audience. For instance, Facebook Ads allow you to create a custom audience based on preferences, behaviors, and demographics.

  4. Email Marketing
    Do you have a smiling list? Use your newsletter to share information about your digital product. The people on your list are likely to be familiar with your brand already and more likely to purchase from you

  5. Run Promotions
    Running special offers and giveaways is an excellent strategy to attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases from existing ones. This could entail offering a discount on an existing product, a free product giveaway, or access to limited edition items.

How can you develop a digital product?

To successfully develop a digital product, follow the four steps mentioned earlier in this post–

  • Choose your idea

  • Validate it

  • List your product for sale

  • Robustly promote it

You can use platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to help with the creation of your product.

Ready to get started?

Think of all the extra yarn money you could make if you choose to start selling a digital product!
In fact, why not amalgamate several options?

For instance, if you sell digital art, you could launch a YouTube channel that provides an insider's view of your creative process and then construct an online course to impart your skills to others.

Regardless of the path you choose, I'd love to hear about your journey in the comments!

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